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PanottiServer Setup & Features Guide


Visit our website for links to download the Panotti desktop app and access the GitHub repository for the open source server.
View PanottiServer on GitHub

Downloading and Cloning

Docker Speed Setup

The fastest way to get started is to use Docker. This will download the latest version of the server and start it for you.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Alternative Local Python Server Setup

Alternatively, you can install the server locally using Python. This will require you to have Python installed on your machine. Please see the instructions below.

Clone the Repository

Clone the Panotti server repository from GitHub

cd /path/to/your/desired/directory
git clone [optional-folder-name]

Verify the Clone

Verify the cloned repository

cd [your-cloned-folder]

Running the Setup Script

Run the Setup Script

Execute the setup script to configure your environment (assumes you have python installed)


Follow the On-Screen Prompts

  • Meeting Notes Mode: Select Yes to run meeting notes locally
  • Local Language Model Setup: Download and install the language model
  • Default Model Selection: Choose the default model (typically llama 3.18B)

Starting the Server

Using the Shell Script

Using the Shell Script

Launch the server using the shell script


Look for the message "application startup complete" and verify that all plugins load successfully.

Using Docker Compose

Using Docker Compose

Launch the server using Docker Compose

docker-compose up

Accessing Admin Frontend

Log In

  • Use the default password provided by the setup (case sensitive): Pa55w0rd
  • You will be prompted to change the password on first login
  • Enter your current (default) password and then your new strong password

Admin Dashboard Overview

The dashboard shows server status and settings, providing notifications about backend server health.

Server Settings

Environment Variables

  • API Key (should match the one entered in the .env file)
  • Log Levels, Ports, Log Retention Days
  • Recordings Directory (ensure the path is correct)

Directory Sync

Enable directory sync to automatically copy meeting notes from a source folder to a destination folder.

Applying Changes

Note: Any changes to environment variables require a server restart.

Applying Changes

Restart the server after applying changes

# Stop the server

# Restart the server

Plugin Overview and Workflow

Recording Workflow

  • Noise Reduction Plugin

    Cancels out microphone bleed and cleans the audio

  • Audio Transcription Plugin

    Transcribes both microphone and system audio using Whisper

  • Meeting Notes Plugin

    Creates detailed meeting notes using local language model

  • Desktop Notifier Plugin

    Displays notification when notes are ready

Plugin Settings

Watch server setup video above for details on individual plugin settings.

Example Recording Session

Recording Steps

  1. Start the recording from the desktop app
  2. Begin your conversation or meeting
  3. Stop the recording to trigger processing
  4. Wait for the notification that your notes are ready

Logs and Debugging

The server creates a logs folder where you can review log files for errors or warnings.

Use the logs to debug issues, especially if you are developing custom plugins.

Final Notes and Support

Visit for more detailed documentation and downloads.

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